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WEKA.IO offers the fastest file storage for AI and technical computing

Autorenbild: WIRD GroupWIRD Group

WIRD Group offers this innovative solutions to support its clients with AI and Life Science applications

WekaIO has built the industry’s first flash-native parallel file system that delivers unmatched performance to the most demanding applications, scaling to exabytes of data in a single namespace. In June 2019, WekaIO announced record-breaking performance on the STAC-M3 “Tick Analytics” Benchmark for financial analytics and multiple enterprise applications—breaking 8 STAC-M3 world records for mean query-response times and 4 world records for throughput.

In addition, the WekaIO File System currently holds one of the top positions on the independent SPEC SFS 2014 benchmark and the #1 position on VI4IO’s 10 Node Challenge list.

Find more information on the WEKO.IO Solutions on the WIRD Website or download the following documents:


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