WIRD Group Data Protection on Demand (DPoD) Service now live!

WIRD Data Protection On Demand by SafeNet is a cloud-based platform that provides a wide range of on-demand key management and encryption services through a simple online marketplace. With Data Protection On Demand, security is made simpler, more cost effective and easier to manage because there is no hardware to buy, deploy and maintain. Customers just click and deploy the services they need, provision users, add devices and get usage reporting in minutes.
Focus on your business, not on managing hardware and software. Deploy and manage key management and hardware security module (HSM) services on-demand and from the cloud:
Zero upfront investment
Cloud agnostic
Up and running in less than 5 minutes
OpEx only usage-based billing
SLA On Demand - 99.95% availability
Automatic failover included
Key backups are automatic
Key and crypto operation metrics and reporting
Elastic, automatic scaling
Unrivaled peace of mind
Do you want to know more about how easy it can be done? Watch the short video and find out more or this one explaining DPoD in more detail
Ready to test it? Sign up now for a 30-day free evaluation on the WIRD DPoD Portal
If you have any question or want to know more about the unrivalled benefits of data protection using the WIRD DPoD Service, contact us: info@wirdgroup.com